Our Partners

Commercial Partners

Melbourne 2023 Gala Partners

Brisbane Gala 2022 Partners

The aim of a corporate partnership is to establish a relationship that helps fara Australia achieve our goals and produces tangible benefits to our partnering company and the wider community. A corporate partnership with fara Australia would involve fara receiving funds via sponsorship of any of our various events, or donated goods, services, or expertise. 

fara Australia has sponsorship opportunities for Lend Us Some Muscle and the fara GALAs, throughout the year. We can tailor a partnership that’s not only specific, but beneficial, to your organisation. If you would like to discuss partnership opportunities, please email us at info@fara.org.au

Lend Us Some Muscle sponsorship proposal (pdf)

fara GALAs sponsorship proposal (pdf)

Partner With Us

Would your company be interested in partnering with fara Australia to help us continue to achieve our mission to find a cure for FA?