Fundraising For Fara
Fundraising For Fara
Thank you for your interest in fundraising for fara Australia. Community fundraising is an essential part of fara Australia’s fundraising efforts. It not only brings family, friends and communities together, but is a vital component of our overall income. This extra money raised allows us to allocate more money to exciting FA research projects.
Community fundraising can be fun as well as rewarding. With a little planning, some promotion and assistance from us and your energy and enthusiasm, you can make a big difference to people living with FA.
If your idea is ready to go, you can set up your own personal or team fundraising page here. Once your page is set up we will be in touch to provide you with some tips and tools to ensure your event is a success.
There are many different ways to fundraise. If you have an idea or would like to discuss how you could be involved, please contact us as info@fara.org.au.
Click on the links below to build your Fundraising Tool Kit:
Fundraising Checklist (pdf)
Fundraising ideas (pdf)
‘Proudly supporting fara’ logo (jpg)
Online registration form
Thank you letter template (pdf)

Fundraising Options
Fun Runs
Personal or Group Challenges
Get Frocked for FA
Trivia Night
Golf Day
Movie Night
Fun Runs
If you love to run as much as Forrest Gump then why not participate in a running festival this year? And while you’re at it, you can fundraise for fara Australia, as well.
Click on the event links below to register and start fundraising!
Run Forrest run… or swim, cycle, swim…
Fun Runs:
Runaway Noosa Marathon: May 27, 2023
If you're about to embark on a fun run, marathon, swim, walk, bike ride or any other activity, why not do it in aid of FA. Or you could create your own physical challenge.
Personal Or Group Challenges
* Plan your challenge
* Set up a personal or team grassrootz fundraising page - Set Up Fundraising Page
* Ask family and friends to support your efforts by donating
* Once your challenge is completed your funds will be transferred to our account and those who donated over $2 through the website will receive a tax receipt
Get Frocked For FA
Get your friends together and host a swap party to raise money for FARA.
Invite a group of friends with similar taste
* Invite each of them to bring 2-6 items each (clothing or accessories), clean, on hangers and in good quality
* Charge $25 to cover the cost of drinks and canapés
* Arrange clothes on racks so that your guests can ‘shop’
* All money raised by selling the clothes and accessories will be donated to fara to fund research
* PLUS consider inviting a local retailer to model some of their latest fashion and auction it off with a percentage of the money going to fara
Get a group of trivia buffs together for a fun and entertaining night and help raise money for FARA.
Trivia Night
* Book a local community hall or function room (eg local pub, council hall, surf club etc)
* Invite as many family and friends as the space will allow – the more the merrier or nominate table captains and ask them each to fill a table of their friends/family
* Charge an entry fee (eg $25) and perhaps provide some nibbles on the table or a welcome drink. Booking websites such as trybooking.com and Eventbrite are an easy way for people to purchase tickets
* Organise a quiz master/MC
* Prepare a few rounds of trivia questions, you can go with a particular theme for each round such as sport, or mix it up with music, general knowledge, movies, science, etc
* Ask local shops, businesses and contacts to donate prizes, vouchers, experiences etc. These can be used as door prizes or game prizes throughout the night. Another great way to maximise money raised is to include a silent auction or raffle with donated prizes
* Play some extra games to raise more money, such as head and tails, coin toss. Guests donate money to enter or stay in the game.
* All money raised from the entry fee, games and silent auction is donated to fara to help fund further research.
Golf Day
If you know a few golfers, then organise a golf day. It’s a fun way to enjoy a round of golf while raising money for FARA.
* Contact your local golf club and see what packages they offer for a charity golf day. Better still, if you know someone who is a member of a golf club, see if they can assist
* Set a fee per team to ensure you cover the cost of the golf games and also make some money. Your entry fee may include a lunch/dinner after the golf
* Send out invitations and book your game via a booking website such as trybooking.com and Eventbrite
* Ask local businesses to sponsor a hole
* Run competitions such as the longest drive and nearest to the hole – ask golfers to pay to enter with prizes for the winner
* Encourage players to purchase “Mulligans” – free shots that allow players to have another shot if they play a bad one
* Ask local shops, businesses and contacts to donate prizes,vouchers, experiences etc. These can be used as door prizes or game prizes throughout the day/night.
* Another great way to maximise money raised is to include a silent auction or raffle with donated prizes
Movie nights are a great way to get a group of friends together to see a latest release movie whilst helping raise money for FARA.
Movie Night
Contact your local cinema and see what they offer for charity movie nights. You may have the option to hire out a whole movie theatre for a certain price or buy a group of tickets within a larger movie theatre
* Choose a movie that will be popular with your friends and family – a good movie is essential! The cinema can help with this
* Set your ticket price to ensure you make money on top of what the cinema is charging. If you include a snack or drink with the ticket, you can charge extra
* Invite friends and family to purchase tickets via a booking website such as trybooking.com and Eventbrite
* Ask a couple of local businesses to donate prizes for a raffle or door prize on the night
* Sit back and enjoy the movie!